Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Intuitive Healing

I had a lovely day doing readings at the Mornington Main Street Market today, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and there was a warm sea breeze flapping gently against the walls of my marquee. 

During breaks between clients, I had a chance to refresh my memory on Anatomy and Physiology in preparation for my Melaia Intuitive Healing Course this weekend at the Flying Souls Institute of Healing in Brighton.  I’m pleased I didn’t have to memorise every bone and muscle in the human body for this course, as that can be a pain in the tensor fascia late!

This weekend will be two whole days of spiritual healing training in a relaxing and nurturing environment, I’m looking forward  to it.

Melaia Healing promotes peace, balance and enlightenment and we will be exploring and releasing what is no longer needed in our lives.  These outmoded belief systems and habits cause stress and unhappiness.  The can be identified as emotional causes of dis-ease to the mind, body and spirit.

I am excited about putting my new skills in to practice and have already applied to do some voluntary reiki and healing at the local hospital.  I’m hoping I can gain some powerful experience whilst alleviating some pain and discomfort to anyone who is suffering.

I’ll also be providing intuitive healing, reiki and chakra balancing from my room at Mark Barkers, 20 North Concourse, Beaumaris.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Basic Tarot Lessons in November 2012

The tarot is a fascinating tool and on my course you can learn basic tarot skills in just 2 weeks!

Course Content
20 November 12
Introduction to the tarot, the history of tarot, the role of the tarot reader, the journey of the major arcarna
23 November 12
The minor arcarna and the court cards, soul paths and personality types in the tarot
25 November 12
The suits, the relevance of astrology, numerology and colours in the tarot
27 November 12
Different spreads, getting the question right
30 November 12
Tricky scenarios and reversed cards
2 December 12
Tarot practice readings and discussions, tarot ethics

All classes will be from 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm and held at Mark Barkers, 20 North Concourse, Beaumaris.  This includes file, handouts, homework and tarot journalling + ongoing tarot help and advice if necessary. 

Price: $50 a lesson or $290 for the whole course if paid in advance.

If you are interested in learning the tarot please call me on 0425 206325 as soon as possible to secure your place.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Your Soul Path & Personality Archetypes in The Tarot

The Fool from the Tarot Illuminati

The tarot is complex once you start studying it.  It incorporates many sources, including astrology, the kaballah and numerology to name but a few.  The number of each card has significant importance, i.e. the fives are all about change and the nines show it's time for a reassessment.  Aces are new beginnings and tens are the end of a cycle.

To work out your personality (what you have to learn this lifetime) add the numbers in your date of birth together, i.e:

My birth date: 10th February 1972

10 + 02 + 1972 = 1984

1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 22

So my card (22) is 'The Fool' in the Tarot.  

Now you can think about what lessons you have learnt from your archetype.  'The Fool' lessons I have learned so far:-

1. To journey to new and unchartered territories by emmigrating to Australia from England.
2. To plunge into new experiences, develop myself and be open to adventure by world travel, contracting, working at events, exhibitions and markets. 
3. Taking a ‘leap of faith’ and trusting success by starting new business and having children. 
4. Living a carefree life, not worrying about tomorrow: my party hard years when I had no responsibilities and a disposable income!
5. Following my heart no matter how impulsive by choosing spiritual, new age jobs which go against the grain with most of my traditional or scientific friends and family.
6. Having courage and taking risks.  In the early 2000's I went backpacking on my own.  Also, as a teenager, I tested the boundaries as I became an independent adult.  This was risky at times but I approached it with a child-like innocence and a blind faith that all would be OK.
If your personality number is only one digit, your personality is the same as your soul path.  If there are two numbers, add them together to work out your soul path.  This path the spiritual essence you lead in all lifetimes, your inner wisdom and teacher, i.e:

My numbers are  2 + 2 = 4, so my card is 4 and the Emporer. 
A soul path of 'The Emporer' means you are a natural born leader.  Psychologists believe some people are born with a "business gene" that gives them a curious personality and entrepreneurial spirit.  These people are risk takers, but if they grow up in the wrong environment it can lead them into some dangerous situations.  Imagine having that spirit if you were living in a criminal underworld.  Look out, here comes trouble!
Emporer souls have a controlling ability, they are decisive and authoritative. They instinctively know how to get to the top. 
Emporers live according to the rules, but also like making their own rules. They aren't afraid to make decisions for others, who may respect them for it and allow it. They can be defensive of their territory.
Emporers have to learn to control their temper and respect others' opinions.  They also need to learn to be disciplined.  Someone once told me that people on the Emporer soul path have the hardest time, but I put it down to being the toughest!
Once you know which soul path you are on, spend some time looking at your soul card, noticing how you feel and react to this card.

The Emporer from the Tarot Iluminati

Monday, 1 October 2012

Creating a Personal Wishlist

In 2007 I read a book called ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, which is about the law of attraction and how positive thinking can change your life for the better.  

‘The Secret’ has advice from entrepreneurs, millionaires, famous stars and other successful or happy people.  It reveals their insights into achieving health, wealth and happiness on an adundant scale.  Bring it on I thought!

One of the exercises in the book was to create a vision board, which is like a personal wish list.  It’s a board on which you paste a collage of words, pictures, newspaper cuttings and anything else you want to bring into your life.  The idea is to surround yourself with all these life changing images, to start manifesting them.  A lot of it is about focus.

Without having much to lose, I began to tear pictures out of magazines or print words off the internet.  There were random items like ‘having some sort of social life’ to a picture of a woman sitting at a candlelit table reading the cards.  At the time, I wasn’t doing many readings at all as I had just moved house and had a small baby with another on the way.  Would you believe it, the SAME day, I got a call from someone asking me to do 10 readings for a hen party!  I nearly dropped the telephone.

When I look at this vision board today, I realise I have manifested every single wish (except one, but I’m working on it) and my social life is alive and kicking! 

If you ever feel stuck in a rutt or find yourself wishing for life to be different, why not try this exercise?  Here’s how to make the magical, mystery vision board:-

  • Go through magazines, pictures or the internet cutting out any images, words, phrases or photos that are appealing or attractive, no matter how impossible it seems.
  • Arrange the pictures and words on a board.  If you feel like being creative add as much colour or extra glitz as you like.  The more pleasing to the eye the board is, the better as you will be looking at it regularly.
  • Put the board somewhere you will see it a lot, like the office, bathroom wall or fridge door.
  • Every time you catch of glimpse of the board, visualize having all these things in your life and imagine how good it feels.
Most importantly, if you get an opportunity to do one of the wishes on your vision board, accept it gratefully and do it!  Don’t put it off as this will block the abundance coming your way. 

And P.S. be careful what you wish for, because it might well happen!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Rules For Being Human

I was given this little pearl of wisdom when I was 19 and still reflect on it today, so I thought I would share it with you:-

We are all enrolled in an informal school called ‘life.’  Each day at this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons.

You will receive a body, you may like it or hate it, but it is yours for the entire period this time around, look after it well.

Every “mistake” you survive is called a lesson.  A lesson is repeated until it is learned, and then you will go on to the next lesson.

Learning lessons does not end.  If you are alive there are lessons to be learned.

“There” is no better than “here.”  When your “there” has become your “here” you will obtain another “there,” that will, again look better than “here.”

Others are simply mirrors of you.  You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something that you love or hate about yourself.

What you make of life is up to you.  You have all the tools and resources you need, what you do with them is up to you.  The choice is yours.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Which Court Card in the Tarot Deck Are You?

One of the things that fascinates me most about the tarot are the people, or characters, in the story you are telling when you are doing a reading. 
The court cards are like the four suits in playing cards (pages, knights, queens and kings) and there are four elements (wands, cups, swords and pentacles).
Of course, it really depends on where these colourful characters reveal themselves in the spread and what other cards are present before you make your decision.  This is where the tarot reader’s careful intuition and a quick flash of insight comes into play to determine if the court card is a person, an aspect of the client’s own personality, or a situation.  For example, traditionally the pages brought news to the court, so a page could mean news coming.  Alternatively the appearance of this spritely being in the reading could represent a young person, a child, or that the client is taking an immature approach.
Generally speaking, the suits are based on your astrological sign, or what element you are, namely:
Fire – wands (Aries, Sagitarrius, Leo)
Water – Cups (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)
Earth  - pentacles (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn)
Air – swords (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini)
In my twenties, I definitely conformed to my astrological element in the tarot.  As an Aquarian, I had many of the traits of the airy swords type.  I worked in administration using careful planning and organisational skills; my husband may beg to differ, but it ’s always me doing the filing and decluttering, much to his distaste as he is a Taurean and loves to collect things no matter how unattractive or unnecessary!  I finely tuned my communication and writing abilities in this era and I could be cool and detached at times, belonging to everyone but yet to no-one, and I loved socialising!
I ‘feel’ like I’ve changed recently though (I quoted ‘feel’ because this is more what a cup/water sign would say)  so this morning my curiosity was sparked to find out which court card I had evolved or transformed into.
There is a way of finding this out, which I will share with you in later in this article.
Just to give you a little insight on how a tarot card can reveal your personality, I will explain to you about Carl Jung.  Not as scientific as his other peers and colleagues, Carl Jung (a famous Swiss psychologist) found tarot symbols were extremely useful in his clinical psychoanalysis.  He would ask his patients to select tarot cards to create a story, which would relate to the problem being discussed.
Jung identified five main archetypes (a person or behaviour) that can be used to relate to our own lives and help us to better understand ourselves, these were:
              The Persona: The face we present to the world
              The Shadow: The part of us unacknowledged but that exists
              The Self: The essence of the psyche
              The Anima: The female image in the male psyche
              The Animus: The male image in the female psyche

He also noted each tarot symbol has an archetype, relating to the transformation and illumination of the higher consciousness, a process of overcoming situations on a higher level.  Carl Jung noticed events in the outside world corresponded with his patients’ psychological states, giving him a “forewarning of the coming events.”      
Anyway, back to the court cards again……

The way to work out which court card you are is by doing the Myers Briggs test, which you can do free by logging on to this link: www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html.

When I did it, I came up as personality type: INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging).  An idealist counsellor and the Queen of Cups.  This is good news to me, for if was to choose a court card to be at this present time, it would be this deep and psychically connected one; so I must be on the right pathway.  I am a tarot consultant, healer and I empower people with my counselling knowledge so this makes perfect sense!

Once you have worked out which four letters you are, you can google your four letters and you will get lots of information about what career, relationships and personalities suit you most.  I did this first when I was at college to see what job I should do.  I was a knight then, but now I am a Queen, which shows I am being more reflective and mature in my old age!  The following information will tell you which court card and personality you are:-

ESTJ - Guardian Supervisor
ISTJ - Guardian Inspector
ESFJ - Guardian Provider
ISFJ - Guardian Protector
ESTP - Artisan Promoter
ISTP - Artisan Crafter
ESFP - Artisan Performer
ISFP - Artisan Composer
ENTJ - Rational Fieldmarshal
INTJ - Rational Mastermind
ENTP - Rational Inventor
INTP - Rational Architect
ENFJ - Idealist Teacher
INFJ - Idealist Counselor
ENFP - Idealist Champion
INFP - Idealist Healer

Court cards:-

King of Wands- ENTJ
Queen of Wands- INTJ
Knight of Wands- ENTP
Page of Wands- INTP
King of Cups- ENFJ
Queen of Cups- INFJ
Page of Cups- INFP
King of Swords- ESTJ
Queen of Swords- ISTJ
Knight of Swords- ESTP
Page of Swords- ISTP
King of Pentacles- ESFJ
Queen of Pentacles- ISFJ
Knight of Pentacles- ESFP
Page of Pentacles- ISFP

So now you know what court card you are, you will recognise yourself when it comes up in a reading!  If you are unhappy about the card you are, my advice would be to meditate on the card you DO want to be, to focus on it's characteristics and do positive affirmations based on this card.  That way you will get into the card's energy and start it manifesting.