Sunday, 24 February 2013

Intuitive Healing

I am pleased to say I am now a certified Meliae Intuitive Practitioner as from this weekend!  I spent Saturday practicing this healing art and learning about the causes of dis-ease in the body, the two main topics being stress (not going with the flow) and self love (at one with your spirit and loving everything about yourself, warts and all!) I love the vibrant green in this image, reminds me of rolling green hills, lush dew-covered grass and spring smiling as it emerges from winter's bitter clasp.  It relaxes and energises me at the same time.

Chakras can become blocked or overloaded.  For example, unloved or rejected children often have blocked heart chakras from shutting down as they are scared of more rejection.  Other children suffering from lack of attention may develop an overloaded heart chakra, to compensate for the love missing in their lives they give tirelessly to others and never learn how to receive.  People shut down this chakra often as a form of protection but this can lead to isolation.

It’s hard to believe that having an overloaded chakra is a problem, how can you love too much?  Surely the world would be a better place with too much love being shared around?  The trouble is, if you love too much your chakras are unbalanced and burnt out from all the giving, resulting in low immunity and heart problems.
Loving others without loving ourselves brings on clingy and needy tendencies.  Talk to yourself in the same way you talk to others, be kind to yourself, tell yourself how gorgeous you are looking today and give yourself a wink or a wolf whistle!

Needless to say, people with blocked chakras are scared to get married, while overloaded heart chakra'd people are co-dependent and tend to choose dysfunctional partners.

Anatomy affected by heart chakra
Heart, nervous system, lungs, chest, shoulders and arms
Psychological issues
Giving and receiving love
Balance, compassion, charity
Physical chakra block
Heart and breathing problems (i.e.asthma), chest pain, immunity, depression
Psychological blocks
Withdrawn, cold, impatient, critical, or judgemental, ‘commitaphobe’, lack of empathy
Physical overload
Enlarged heart, low blood pressure, depression, exhaustion, breast lumps
Psychological chakra overload
Martyr, relationship co-dependency, jealousy, self-neglect, always putting others first
Heart chakra therapy
Deep breathing
The colour green – spending time in nature
Time caring for children and animals
Having relationship counselling
Voluntary work
Eating lots of green vegetables and fruit
Making a list of all your qualities
Back bends (opening chest) and yoga

I am taking this on board myself and an exercise I will be doing this week is writing down 20 activities I can do to make my heart sing, and 20 ways I can realistically create this in my life.

For anyone interested in trying Meliae Intuitive Healing, I am offering a FREE TRIAL with every treatment booked until the end of March, just ask when you make your booking.  There is more about Meliae Healing in the ‘Healing’ section of my website.

Sunday, 10 February 2013


I suppose I’m what you could call a ‘curious dreamer’ and I’ve spent a lot of time analysing these often dramatic fantasy journeys that live out our deepest fears when we drift off in the safety and protection of our beds. 

What are dreams?  Essentially, dreams are hallucinations that take us to a land of make-believe. For centuries people have believed in the power of dreams to solve problems, heal, provide insight and foretell the future.

Dreams tap into our past memories and experiences and provide new ideas and concepts for the future.  This opens up a whole new world of creativity and possibility and gets us in touch with our spirituality (an awareness of other dimensions beyond the physical realms.) 

They give us an alternative way of problem-solving, which may seem impossible on a conscious level.  Ever woken up in the middle of the night with your heart pounding and a lump in your throat? Our unconscious mind is aware of the aspects of our personalities we are ignoring and makes it’s presence known.  It speaks to you in your dream world about what it wants changed and it’s messages help to understand our true feelings and motivations.

I wrote in the ‘Tarot’ section of my blog about the archetypes of our personalities that Carl Jung identified, one of them being ‘the shadow.’  Our shadow appears a lot in our dreams, causing disharmony and sometimes shock, but it highlights difficulty. Carl Jung thought dreams were unresolved emotional issues being processed or those parts of the psyche underdeveloped.

Dreams come up a lot when I am doing both Reiki and tarot readings.  For instance, if someone has picked the ‘Moon’ card, there could be deception around (because things look different in the moonlight) or their subconscious could be nagging them and giving them a wake-up call (the sea-creature emerging from the dark waters in the tarot symbology).  The subconscious mind has ways of grabbing our attention, often with haunting dreams, recurring with the same scenarios until we make the necessary changes.

In some societies, Shamans were believed to be able to journey into this underworld and bring back information to heal people and make their lives more fulfilling.

Someone I know (I will keep him anonymous) used to have a recurring dream that he was wearing nothing but a string vest which didn’t leave much to the imagination, and he was in our neighbour’s garden trying to protect his modesty rather unsuccessfully behind an extremely narrow tree.  Our neighbour was very conservative and stern and she would send a shiver up your spine just from hearing her voice.  Woe betide me or any of the other children on our street if their ball went in her garden or if they rollar-skated too loudly passed her kitchen window!

This dream is a classic example of someone having an anxiety about how others see him.  It could also be a vulnerability about his weaknesses being exposed.  He could have been harbouring a trait his subconscious didn’t like so he woke up feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

One client of mine dreamt someone was stalking him in the shadows, tracking him down with the intention of killing him.  The stalker was not revealing who they were. I asked “who or what are you running away from in waking life?”  He then went on to tell me he had a lot of debts had a big tax bill, which he wanted to put behind him. 

Another client frequently dreamt about houses.  When I asked what the house was like, she said it was derelict and shabby and that she was locked inside.  This confirmed to me that she was feeling insecure and creating self-imposed boundaries.  When, when I gave her a Reiki treatment, I was aware of her root chakra being blocked, the centre for her feelings of survival and safety.  

If you have a dream that you would like interpreted, you can email it to me at and I will email you back free of charge to let you know what it is you are being led to take notice of.


·      Set the intention just before you go to sleep to remember your dreams.

·      Keep a dream journal & pen next to your bed and write a description of the dream as soon as you wake up from it, no matter what the time is.

·      Have a glass of water before you go to bed, this will result in you waking up and will help you to recall the dream

Thursday, 24 January 2013


I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms.  Craving, restlessness, mind working overtime, a constant urge to read, all the classic signs of addiction.  I let it be for a while, but the symptoms didn’t subside. 

After some time, I decided to feed my co-dependency for the psychic sciences by enrolling on a course in numerology with Sara at Life Spirit Connections.  I surprised myself, as Maths was definitely my weak point at school and normally induced me into a spontaneous power nap at my desk during the afternoon in class.

Numerology has quite the opposite effect to double maths with Mr Smith though!  It’s a fascinating tool that has been studied for over 2,500 years.  I hope to be able to incorporate this modality into my readings to make them more accurate and poignant.

Your name is made up of numbers.  Your date of birth is also very significant with your life path.  Once we have a better understanding of what these numbers mean, we have insights into who we are, why we are here, what we are made up of and what the future holds for us.  We can discover our abilities, special talents and skills, identify peak moments in our lives, overcome challenges and determine our destiny.

Timing is very significant once you know your numerology and your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy in connection with past life and life purpose influences.

I am very excited to learn all about this both to “know thyself” as Plato once said, but also to start applying it with my clients.